Corporate Governance

General information about company

Scrip Code 532382
MSEI Symbol NA
ISIN INE794B01026
Name of the entity Balaji Telefilms Limited
Date of start of financial year 01-APR-2024
Date of end of financial year 31-MAR-2025
Reporting Quarter Half Yearly
Date of Report 30-Sep-2024
Risk management committee Applicable

Annexure I

Annexure I to be submitted by listed entity on quarterly basis
I. Composition of Board of Directors
Disclosure of notes on composition of board of directors explanatory Ms. Ekta Ravi Kapoor is designated as the Joint MD, however in the drop down, there is no option to select Joint MD, hence MD is selected.
Whether the listed entity has a Regular Chairperson Yes
Whether Chairperson is related to MD or CEO Yes Disqualification of Directors under section 164 of the Companies Act, 2013
Sr Title (Mr / Ms) Name of the Director PAN DIN Category 1 of directors Category 2 of directors Category 3 of directors Date of Birth Whether the director is disqualified? Start Date of disqualification End Date of disqualification Details of disqualification Current status Whether special resolution passed? [Refer Reg. 17(1A) of Listing Regulations] Date of passing special resolution Initial Date of appointment Date of Re-appointment Date of cessation Tenure of director (in months) No of Directorship in listed entities including this listed entity (Refer Regulation 17A of Listing Regulations) No of Independent Directorship in listed entities including this listed entity [with reference to proviso to regulation 17A(1) & 17A(2)] Number of memberships in Audit/ Stakeholder Committee(s) including this listed entity (Refer Regulation 26(1) of Listing Regulations) No of post of Chairperson in Audit/ Stakeholder Committee held in listed entities including this listed entity (Refer Regulation 26(1) of Listing Regulations) Reason for Cessation Notes for not providing PAN Notes for not providing DIN
1 Mr. JEETENDRA ALIAS RAVI AMARNATH KAPOOR AAEPK1526B 00005345 Non-Executive - Non Independent Director Chairperson related to Promoter 13-Apr-1942 No Active Yes 31-Aug-2018 01-Feb-2000 1 0 2 1
2 Mrs. SHOBHA RAVI KAPOOR AAEPK1531E 00005124 Executive Director Not Applicable MD 01-Feb-1949 No Active NA 10-Nov-1994 1 0 1 0
3 Ms. EKTA RAVI KAPOOR ABOPK8722G 00005093 Executive Director Not Applicable MD 07-Jun-1975 No Active NA 10-Nov-1994 1 0 1 0
4 Mr. ARUN KUMAR PURWAR ADXPP9783F 00026383 Non-Executive - Independent Director Not Applicable 14-May-1946 No Active Yes 30-Sep-2020 20-May-2015 31-Aug-2020 109 3 2 3 1
5 Ms. ARCHANA NIRANJAN HINGORANI ABLPH8227Q 00028037 Non-Executive - Independent Director Not Applicable 09-Sep-1965 No Active NA 28-Aug-2020 28-Aug-2020 49.04 5 5 6 4
6 Mr. ROHIT JAIN ABBPY1958R 01684970 Non-Executive - Independent Director Not Applicable 03-Aug-1977 No Active NA 28-May-2024 28-May-2024 4.04 1 1 1 0
7 Mr. AVIJIT MUKERJI AFWPM7711F 03534116 Non-Executive - Independent Director Not Applicable 18-Aug-1969 No Active NA 28-May-2024 28-May-2024 4.04 2 2 1 1
8 Mr. ASHUTOSH KHANNA AENPK8162Q 03153990 Non-Executive - Independent Director Not Applicable 23-Jul-1966 No Active NA 09-Feb-2024 09-Feb-2024 7.21 1 1 2 1
9 Ms. JYOTI DESHPANDE ATQPD4524P 02303283 Non-Executive - Non Independent Director Not Applicable 16-Dec-1970 No Active NA 23-Mar-2018 3 0 0 0
10 Ms. PRIYANKA CHAUDHARY AEFPC5725D 06520285 Non-Executive - Non Independent Director Not Applicable 16-Apr-1983 No Active NA 20-May-2022 1 0 0 0

Annexure 1

II. Composition of Committees

Disclosure of notes on composition of committees explanatory

Audit Committee Details

Whether the Audit Committee has a Regular Chairperson Yes
Sr DIN Number Name of Committee members Category 1 of directors Category 2 of directors Date of Appointment Date of Cessation Remarks
1 03153990 ASHUTOSH KHANNA Non-Executive - Independent Director Chairperson 28-May-2024
2 00005345 JEETENDRA ALIAS RAVI AMARNATH KAPOOR Non-Executive - Non Independent Director Member 17-Jul-2000
3 01684970 ROHIT JAIN Non-Executive - Independent Director Member 28-May-2024

Nomination and remuneration committee

Whether the Audit Committee has a Regular Chairperson Yes
Sr DIN Number Name of Committee members Category 1 of directors Category 2 of directors Date of Appointment Date of Cessation Remarks
1 03153990 ASHUTOSH KHANNA Non-Executive - Independent Director Chairperson 01-Apr-2024
2 00005345 JEETENDRA ALIAS RAVI AMARNATH KAPOOR Non-Executive - Non Independent Director Member 30-Jan-2003
3 01684970 ROHIT JAIN Non-Executive - Independent Director Member 28-May-2024

Stakeholders Relationship Committee

Whether the Audit Committee has a Regular Chairperson Yes
Sr DIN Number Name of Committee members Category 1 of directors Category 2 of directors Date of Appointment Date of Cessation Remarks
1 00005345 JEETENDRA ALIAS RAVI AMARNATH KAPOOR Non-Executive - Non Independent Director Chairperson 12-Dec-2000
2 00005124 SHOBHA RAVI KAPOOR Executive Director Member 12-Dec-2000
3 00005093 EKTA RAVI KAPOOR Executive Director Member 12-Dec-2000
4 03153990 ASHUTOSH KHANNA Non-Executive - Independent Director Member 01-Apr-2024

Risk Management Committee

Whether the Audit Committee has a Regular Chairperson Yes
Sr DIN Number Name of Committee members Category 1 of directors Category 2 of directors Date of Appointment Date of Cessation Remarks
1 00005124 SHOBHA RAVI KAPOOR Executive Director Chairperson 18-Jun-2021
2 00005345 JEETENDRA ALIAS RAVI AMARNATH KAPOOR Non-Executive - Non Independent Director Member 18-Jun-2021
3 03153990 ASHUTOSH KHANNA Non-Executive - Independent Director Member 01-Apr-2024

Annexure 1

III. Meeting of Board of Directors
Disclosure of notes on meeting of board of directors explanatory
Sr Date(s) of meeting (Enter dates of Previous quarter and Current quarter in chronological order) Maximum gap between any two consecutive (in number of days) Notes for not providing Date Whether requirement of Quorum met (Yes/No) Total Number of Directors as on date of the meeting Number of Directors present* (All directors including Independent Director) No. of Independent Directors attending the meeting*
1 30-May-2024 true 10 8 5
2 09-Aug-2024 70 true 10 9 5

Annexure 1

IV. Meeting of Committees
Disclosure of notes on meeting of committees explanatory
Sr Name of Committee Date(s) of meeting (Enter dates of Previous quarter and Current quarter in chronological order) Maximum gap between any two consecutive (in number of days) Name of other committee Reson for not providing date Whether requirement of Quorum met (Yes/No) Total Number of Directors in the Committee as on date of the meeting Number of Directors Present (All Directors including Independent Director) No. of Independent Directors attending the meeting* No. of members attending the meeting (other than Board of Directors)
1 Audit Committee 30-May-2024 true 3 2 2 0
2 Audit Committee 09-Aug-2024 70 true 3 2 2 0
3 Nomination and remuneration committee 30-May-2024 true 3 2 1 0
4 Nomination and remuneration committee 09-Aug-2024 70 true 3 3 2 0
5 Stakeholders Relationship Committee 30-May-2024 true 4 3 0 0
6 Stakeholders Relationship Committee 09-Aug-2024 70 true 4 4 1 0
7 Risk Management Committee 09-Aug-2024 true 3 3 1 0

Annexure 1

V. Related Party Transactions
Sr Subject Compliance status (Yes/No/NA) If status is No details of non-compliance may be given here.
1 Whether prior approval of audit committee obtained Yes
2 Whether shareholder approval obtained for material RPT NA
3 Whether details of RPT entered into pursuant to omnibus approval have been reviewed by Audit Committee Yes
Disclosure of notes on related party transactions
Disclosure of notes of material transaction with related party

Details of Cyber security incidence

Whether as per Regulation 27(2)(ba) of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015 there has been cyber security incidents or breaches or loss of data or documents during the quarter No
Other details of cyber security incidence or breaches or loss of data event
Number of cyber security incidence or breaches or loss of data event occurred during the quarter
Sr Date of the event Brief details of the event

Annexure 1

VI. Affirmations
Sr Subject Compliance status (Yes/No)
1 The composition of Board of Directors is in terms of SEBI (Listing obligations and disclosure requirements) Regulations, 2015 Yes
2 The composition of the following committees is in terms of SEBI(Listing obligations and disclosure requirements) Regulations, 2015 a. Audit Committee Yes
3 The composition of the following committees is in terms of SEBI(Listing obligations and disclosure requirements) Regulations, 2015. b. Nomination & remuneration committee Yes
4 The composition of the following committees is in terms of SEBI(Listing obligations and disclosure requirements) Regulations, 2015. c. Stakeholders relationship committee Yes
5 The composition of the following committees is in terms of SEBI(Listing obligations and disclosure requirements) Regulations, 2015. d. Risk management committee (applicable to the top 1000 listed entities) Yes
6 The committee members have been made aware of their powers, role and responsibilities as specified in SEBI (Listing obligations and disclosure requirements) Regulations, 2015. Yes
7 The meetings of the board of directors and the above committees have been conducted in the manner as specified in SEBI (Listing obligations and disclosure requirements) Regulations, 2015 Yes
8 This report and/or the report submitted in the previous quarter has been placed before Board of Directors. Yes
9 Any comments/observations/advice of Board of Directors may be mentioned here:

Annexure 1

Sr Subject Compliance status
1 Name of signatory Tannu Sharma
2 Designation Company Secretary and Compliance Officer

Annexure III

III. Affirmations
Sr Particulars Regulation Number Compliance status (Yes/No/NA) If status is No details of non-compliance may be given here.
1 Copy of the annual report including balance sheet, profit and loss account, directors report, corporate governance report, business responsibility report displayed on website 46(2) 0
2 Presence of Chairperson of Audit Committee at the Annual General Meeting 18(1)(d) 0
3 Presence of Chairperson of the nomination and remuneration committee at the annual general meeting 19(3) 0
4 Presence of Chairperson of the Stakeholder Relationship committee at the annual general meeting 20(3) 0
5 Disclosure of the Secretarial Audit Report of the listed entity and the material subsidiaries in the Annual Report 24A(1) 0
6 Submission of Annual Secretarial Compliance Report 24A(2) 0
7 Whether 'Corporate Governance Report' disclosed in Annual Report 34(3) read with para C of Schedule V 0
Any other information to be provided

Annexure III

1 Name of signatory Tannu Sharma
2 Designation

Additional Half yearly Disclosure

Applicability of disclosure Not Applicable
Reason for Non Applicability Not Applicable has been selected as the Company has not undertaken any transactions listed in these sections for the period under consideration.
I. Disclosure of Loans/ guarantees/comfort letters /securities etc.refer note below
(A)Any loan or any other form of debt advanced by the listed entity directly or indirectly to
Entity Aggregate amount advanced during six months Balance outstanding at the end of six months
Promoter or any other entity controlled by them
Promoter Group or any other entity controlled by them
Directors (including relatives) or any other entity controlled by them
KMPs or any other entity controlled by them
(B) Any guarantee / comfort letter (by whatever name called) provided by the listed entity directly or indirectly, in connection with any loan(s) or any other form of debt availed By
Entity Type (guarantee, comfort letter etc.) Aggregate amount of issuance during six months Balance outstanding at the end of six months(taking into account any invocation)
Promoter or any other entity controlled by them
Promoter Group or any other entity controlled by them
Directors (including relatives) or any other entity controlled by them
KMPs or any other entity controlled by them
(C) Any security provided by the listed entity directly or indirectly, in connection with any loan(s) or any other form of debt availed by
Entity Type of security (cash, shares etc.) Aggregate value of security provided during six months Balance outstanding at the end of six months
Promoter or any other entity controlled by them
Promoter Group or any other entity controlled by them
Directors (including relatives) or any other entity controlled by them
KMPs or any other entity controlled by them
(D) Additional Information
II. Affirmations
Affirmations Compliance Status Company Remarks
All loans (or other form of debt), guarantees, comfort letters (by whatever name called) or securities in connection with any loan(s) (or other form of debt) given directly or indirectly by the listed entity to promoter(s), promoter group, director(s) (including their relatives), key managerial personnel (including their relatives) or any entity controlled by them are in the economic interest of the company.